
Northern Rivers Hang-Gliding and Paragliding Club

Welcome to Northern Rivers Hang-Gliding & Paragliding Club

Our principal flying site at Lennox Head is located just south of beautiful Byron Bay in the spectacular Northern Rivers region of New South Wales. Lennox and our other sites provide great opportunities to fly the beautiful Byron Hinterland and valleys with cross-country opportunities from Possum Shoot, Montecollum and beyond.

This website will give you an introduction to all the details that you need to prepare to fly here. Please visit the Membership page to Register or Renew your membership. Membership provides access to the Members Only Facebook Group, Telegram Notice Board and Telegram Flying Update discussion group. 

Most of our sites are private property and require new members to be inducted. You will NOT be inducted until you have joined the NRHGPGC so please do it prior to arriving on launch, if there are any issues with service and you are unable to register you will NOT be flying. A full club member must be on-site with any visiting plot. 

Lennox Head & Numulgi have mandatory VHF requirements under CASA EX123/21 – Northern Rivers Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club Incorporated – Broadcasting Exemptions and Directions Instrument 2021. 

Pilots MUST 'check in' and 'out' when entering and leaving a site.  
The 'check links' can be found here and on the Telegram Notice Board. 

UHF Radio carriage is mandatory on all NRHGPGC sites. 
Lennox Head - 19 Tone Squelch 97.4. All other sites - 20 Tone Squelch 97.4. 
To see how to change tone squelch check out the pilot resources page

Please like our Facebook page, Northern Rivers Hang-Gliding & Paragliding Club and follow us on Instagram @ nrhgpgc.

We look forward to meeting you on the hill.

Please visit the Membership Page for further information on registration. 


Greetings fellow pilots. In the past few months, we have seen a couple of accidents involving pilots flying Speed Wings (parakites). For yours and the public’s safety, I would Iike to reiterate and remind you all that to fly any of our aircraft – including speed wings, parakites, whatever – you need to be properly authorised by holding the appropriate qualification or endorsement. · Read more
Please take the time to review the OPS manual attached, See below for a quick reference to some of the changes that may affect you. It is your responsibility to ensure you are complaint with your privileges and limitations at all times when flying an NRHGPGC Site. · Read more
The CTAF for Lismore (YLIS) and Casino (YCAS) will be altered to 132.45MHz. At this time the CTAF for Evans Head (YEVD) will also be altered to 126.7MHz. The CTAF changes will be affected by NOTAM. The YBNA CTAF and MBA frequency will remain as 124.2MHz. · Read more
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has established a new broadcast area in Northern NSW beginning on 2 December. Stretching from Stotts Island south to Byron Bay and inland as far as Kunchur on the Tweed River and east to a direct line between Cape Byron and Cudgen Headland, the broadcast area requires aircraft flying within it to broadcast on 127.55. · Read more
Members operating in and around Ballina are to familiarise themselves with an Aviation Information Publications Supplement (AIP SUPP) released 13 January and effective 28 January 2021, · Read more
There are no upcoming events.
